"When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them" - Marylin Monroe

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Taking Breaks

I went to visit my Dad for a few days over the half term holidays which was nice :) my brother drove me back in his old, now my new beetle (: and I love it!

I went on a walk with my dad

It was one of those very grey days, but very warm at the same time, it brightened up in the evening though which meant we could cruise back to Exeter with the roof down.
We also went to the garden centre, who knew such cute things could be kept in a garden centre?

i love daisies

if i had this watering can i'd grow strawberries in it!

daisies, daisies, daisies!

and this ridiculously cute cat pot!!

We are getting our new kittens on Saturday! very exciting.

I have to decide whether to go to University straight from College, or to take a gap year. I kind of want to take a gap year, and work for some of it, travel for the rest, but my Mum thinks its a bad idea, for a number of reasons that I can't be bothered to get into. And if I take a gap year, my Dad is less likely to help me with funding through University, which really, is more important than a gap year. I just don't want to not do it, and regret it forever.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures!!

    about the gap year... well is something difficult... I went to university straight from college and the change was awesome. Met a lot of people and had so much fun. Now i miss it to death. I graduated last year and now I work in a boring office (which obviously is not my dream job my no means, but everything is so difficult nowadays - but I won't bother you with that) What I mean is that University will be a great experience, but once you finish you'll enter the "real world" and then you won't be able to do many things you used to be able before, such as traveling, not worrying much and all that stuff. You are supposed to "grow up" So if I were you I'd definitely consider the gap year, but it also depends on the money of course... That's the only bad point I see about the gap year, your father refusing to pay if you take it... well don't know if this helps, but as you already said you should take the right choice so you don't regret forever.

